Faith Featured Meditations Uncategorized

Visitation: An Advent Study Week 1

An invitation to visitation this holiday season.

Faith Featured Meditations

On Being the Right Hand

How can we possibly keep the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing? It’s not about selflessness, as much as it’s about being the self we were gifted to be.

Faith Featured Uncategorized

Thoughts on Good Friday

Are we made up of body and soul? Or are we “just” bodies? I am holding out hope that the question is moot.


How Moana Got Me Back in Church

Living truth is a perilous journey.

Featured Origami Elephants Uncategorized

Objectivity is Alive But Not Well Understood

Recognizing the subjectivity of my personal perspective doesn’t kill objectivity. It may just need a little resuscitation.

Featured Pop Culture TV Uncategorized

How The OA Failed in 5 Movements

Human genius is not the ability to imagine the untrue, but rather our ability to insist on logic without being restrained by it.

Faith Featured Origami Elephants Uncategorized

I Still Believe in Christmas

What is there to believe in Christmas when you no longer believe in God? My personal thoughts on what I’d like my son to grow up to celebrate at Christmas.

Featured Origami Elephants

The “Other Side” of Addiction

Posting pictures of overdosed addicts to the internet is NOT helpful intervention.

Featured Origami Elephants Podcast Pop Culture Uncategorized

Is Unethical Good Enough?

When rhetoric ratchets up, we risk miscommunicating our position in favor of enflaming passion. Can distinguishing between moral and ethical concerns help us hear one another better?

Featured Movies Origami Elephants Podcast Pop Culture

My Favorite “Pregnancy” Film? Fargo

When we take a look at the genre of pregnancy movies it rapidly emerges that culturally we have a very narrow view of pregnant women. But then there’s Fargo…