Books Coolsville Featured Movies Pop Culture

Game of Thrones featuring Donald Trump


Coolsville Featured Movies Pop Culture

How Star Wars Episode 7 Should Have Ended

SPOILERS obviously, people!

Featured Movies Origami Elephants Podcast Pop Culture

Focus on Spotlight

Spotlight is another fantastic film in a genre that only seems to be gaining momentum: a turning away from the traditional virtue narrative in favor of focusing on system failure.

Don't Split Up Featured Movies Pop Culture

The Best Horror Films of 2015

What were the best horror films of 2015? JR. counts down his 10 favorites, along with some honorable mentions!

Featured Movies Origami Elephants Pop Culture TV

Moral Storytelling in The Big Short and Making a Murderer

America loves a good hero, but new stories, like The Big Short and Making a Murderer, have made it to screen that focus on systematic failure rather than personal victory. Find out how they frame the moral dilemma differently.

Featured Movies Pop Culture

The 15 Best Films of 2015

2015 was a record breaking-year for the box office. What were the best films of the year? JR. counts down his top 15.

Featured Movies Pop Culture

Is A New Hope All Hype?

After finally watching the original Star Wars film as an adult, I’m thinking it’s overrated…

Featured Movies Pop Culture

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Episode VII: The Force Awakens is a great new installment in the Star Wars saga.

Featured Movies Pop Culture

Why DIE HARD is the Best Christmas Movie

Though it might not seem like a Christmas movie at first glance, DIE HARD embodies the Christmas story through John McClane’s everyman hero’s journey. The film is a celebration of embodiment, which is exactly what the Bible calls Good News.

Coolsville Featured Movies Music

100 Movies Dance Scenes Mashup w/ Uptown Funk

100 iconic film scenes edited cleverly to Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk will make ya move.