Movies Pop Culture

2 Ways for the next Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter not to Suck

A good enough biopic/monster-movie mashup that did too much monsters without enough mythology or character development to be truly great.

Movies Pop Culture

6 Ideas about Religion in Prometheus

Sci-Fi epic Prometheus has lots to say about religion. Some of it’s good, and some is not so good.

Books Faith

Book: Exploring Prosperity Preaching by Debra Mumford

An accessible, excellent evaluation of an emotional and explosive topic. This book moves the conversation in a helpful, necessary direction.

Movies Pop Culture

Prometheus Says You are What You Worship

Horrific, beautiful, suspenseful and profound. You almost never get all that in a sci-fi film.

Movies Pop Culture

Snow White and the Huntsman: How (Not) to Tell a Good Fairy Tale

The abominable dialogue and conceptual shortfalls keep this Once Upon a Time from living Happily Ever After. And that’s a shame.

Books Faith Pop Culture

Book: Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax (Part IV)

We must teach boys to value creativity over consumption. We must also identify markers of adulthood, celebrate them and ritualize them.

Books Faith Pop Culture

Book: Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax (Part III)

In response to this book, I comment on four aspects of Extended Adolescence. Here are the first two: Education Reform and Teaching Boys to Fail Well.

Books Faith Pop Culture

Book: Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax (Part II)

Dr. Sax’ final three factors contributing to Extended Adolescence: ADHD Medications, Endocrine Disruptors, and the loss of male community and manhood rituals.

Books Faith Pop Culture

Book: Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax (Part I)

The first two of Dr. Sax’ five factors contributing to Extended Adolescence: changes at school and video games. Buy this book!

Books Faith

Book: Forsaken by Thomas McCall

Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is the central event in the Christian story. What we believe about what happens in this short period shapes everything else we believe. Little has been more confusing for many Christians than what happened when Jesus died. When Jesus is on the cross, he cries out My God, My God! Why […]