Faith Sermons

Come hear Krista preach in Portland this weekend

  Our church has two simultaneous services Sunday mornings. This week Krista will be preaching in the chapel service at 9 and 11. It’s her first time preaching at our church, and I’m proud of her and our church. Looking forward to it and hope some of you will want to come to the service, […]

Coolsville Faith Featured Sermons

Chiune Sugihara, Stephen Martyr, and why they matter to us

from Acts 7

Coolsville Faith Featured Sermons

Mercy and Beauty: A Bible Story

The story of Ananias and Sapphira, told for today.

Coolsville Faith Featured Sermons

The Ethiopian Eunuch

One of Matt’s recent talks, this one explores the story of the Ethiopian eunuch and what that story teaches us about those who are “outside” the kingdom of God.

Coolsville Faith Featured Sermons

Matt speaks on Acts 2

from the Radiate winter conference

American History Faith Featured

Lessons for Today from M.L.K.

What did Martin Luther King mean in his sermons on having the Strength to Love?

Faith Featured

Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth by Bing Crosby and David Bowie

I know. It sounds weird. But it’s pretty good.

Faith Featured

Daily Christmas Song: Silent Night by Pentatonix

Faith Featured

Daily Christmas Song: The Peace Child by the Normals

I love this song. I wish I heard it more often, and that more people sang it!

Faith Featured

Daily Christmas Song: Joseph’s Song by Michael Card