Coolsville Faith Featured

Topless and Totally Modest

How does culture effect the modesty conversation?

Coolsville Faith Featured

Modest or Immodest: A handy guide for telling the difference

Which of these three dresses is modest?

Coolsville Faith Featured

Bikinis Are Not Immodest

Yoga pants are not immodest. Lingerie is not immodest. Nudity is not immodest.

Coolsville Faith Featured Uncategorized

An apology to all of my friends who aren’t Christians

I’ll be talking a lot about Jesus stuff the next few weeks.


A Prayer in the Wake of Charleston

The prayer we offered at Catalyst Church on Sunday, June 21 2015 in response to the terrorist attack on Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC.

Coolsville Faith Featured

The Lord’s Prayer in Hawaiian

Our Father who is in heaven….

Faith Sermons

Preaching to Unchurched Millennials

How do we announce the good news about Jesus to those outside the Church? JR. offers three philosophical shifts and three practical steps to change our preaching to engage unchurched Millennials.

Coolsville Faith

JR. on Finkorswim Radio to Discuss the Decline of Religion in America

JR. was a guest on Rabbi Eli Fink’s radio program Finkorswim Radio. He, Eli and Rabbi Daniel Korobkin discuss the decline of participation in organize religion in America – what causes it and what we as religious leaders can do about it.

Faith Featured Movies Pop Culture

The Age of Ultron’s Guilt Complex

What makes Guilt so powerful, that a villain can use it to defeat superheroes?

Faith Featured


Some of the speakers joining the Cru15 conference this summer!