This month’s featured podcast is our StoryMen episode on what exactly social media does to us.
After answering some questions from the Storyverse, we use Louis CK’s rant on cell phones to springboard into a discussion of social media. Is the price we pay for connectivity worth it? How social, exactly, is our media?
The StoryMen episode 31: HOW SOCIAL IS OUR MEDIA?
We’ve also interviewed two great guests lately.
- Author Matthew Lee Anderson visited with us all the way from Oxford, England to talk about his latest book The End of Our Exploring: Episode 30–Asking Good Questions
- We also welcomed blogger and speaker Emily Maynard to help us navigate the treacherous world of the Evangelical conversation about Modesty. Are our bodies good? Are they dangerous? Should people who follow Jesus attempt to be modest at all?: Episode 32–Modest Proposals About Modesty
Since The StoryMen Podcast is weekly these days I’m going to start posting each episode here each week. You can still get connected in these other ways.
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