Given the glut of new films about Artificial Intelligence, Bryne and JR. ask what counts as consciousness. We revisit Chappie, dive deeply into Ex Machina, and touch on Age of Ultron, Terminator: Genesys, Her, Avatar and Stephen King’s The Jaunt. Packed with listern questions, we are ready to welcome our robot overlords!
[learn_more caption=”In This Episode”]
2:30 – Welcome, Robot Overlords!
4:00 – What is Consciousness?
8:00 – Ex Machina
31:00 – Consciousness and Sentience
34:00 – Why are the robots always malevolent?
39:30 – Materialism or Dualism?
52:o0 – Head Transplant?
1:11:30 – If you could upload your consciousness, would you?
Origami Elephants - May 4, 2015
Consciousness and Our Robot Overlords

From Series: "Origami Elephants Season 2"
Bryne and JR. are back with more guests, more movies and more hard-hitting exploration of those elephants.
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Episode Links
Essay: “What Mary Didn’t Know”
Essay: “What it is Like to Be a Bat” by Thomas Nagel
Article: First Human Head Transplant
Review: Ex Machina and What it Might Mean to be Human
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JR. Forasteros
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