Coolsville Movies Music Pop Culture

Classic Hollywood Dance Scenes + Uptown Funk = Legendary

This is one of the greatest mashup videos ever made.

There may still be a few weeks left in 2015, but I’m going to go ahead and say this is my favorite YouTube video of the year. Hyperbole you say? Well, I am at the zenith of excitement after just watching this majestic mashup for the first time, but I don’t think this enthusiasm will fade.

Sure, Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and featuring Bruno Mars is one of the catchiest songs of the 21st century. But pairing that tune with so many wonderful dances scenes from classic Hollywood films is masterful.

Gene Kelly. Fred & Ginger. The Nicholas Brothers. Donald O’Connor. Debbie Reynolds. Judy & Mickey. Shoot, we even got the Chairman of da Board, baby. If only Sammy had danced in more movies.

Anyway, here are the amazing legends of Hollywood dancing to Uptown Funk and brilliantly edited by NerdFestUK.

Brilliant. H/T to Alise at KnittingSoul for finding this.

btw, the creator of this video was inspired by What’s The Mashup who pulled off a 100 Movie Dance Scenes mashup to Mark Ronson’s catchy hook.

By Clay Morgan

Clay Morgan is the author of Undead. Say hi on Twitter.