Coolsville Featured Pop Culture

Celine Dion vs. Metallica

My friend Amanda called me out.

She was reading the latest J Butting In* where J Butt and I considered what we would do if stranded overnight in an airport like Richard Dunn who made a brilliant lip sync music video to Celine Dion’s All By Myself.

I may have suggested a comparison between Celine and soccer which you would think is flattering since every bandwagon soccer fan in America keeps telling me it’s the world’s favorite. But apparently I was equating Celine to soccer in the “not exciting to watch” way.

So Amanda tells me I’ve crossed the line because messing with Celine is apparently like trying to put Baby in a corner and, well, you know.

“But one of my favorite athletes in history is Mario Lemieux and he LOVES Celine Dion,” I say, feeling like I’ve honored Canada and not just because it was just Canada Deh Day.

Not quite good enough, she says and predicts the inevitability of my conversion.

So I do what any university-trained researcher would do and search YouTube for mashups that will help bridge the gap between my current musical tastes and the softer sounds of la grande chanteuse canadienne. The internet never lets me down ya’ll.

I was cracking up for much of this one. I feel like Metallica and Celine performed as one. So maybe I can get down with a new singer after all.

And just for fun I ran into this one. Sad But Superstitious.

Feel free to say something nice about Canadians in the comments

*Speaking of #JButtingIn, we’re taking the Fourth of July week off today but will be back next Thursday to undoubtedly disagree talk about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

By Clay Morgan

Clay Morgan is the author of Undead. Say hi on Twitter.