Books Faith Pop Culture

Book: What We Talk About When We Talk About God by Rob Bell

What We Talk About When We Talk About God (WWTAG) is the first book Rob Bell has written since Love Wins blew up the internet. Since then, Rob has stepped down from his position as Lead pastor at Mars Hill, the church he founded, and moved to the Los Angeles area. Writing book reviews is […]


What Is Faith?

I’ve heard for years that faith in God is like sitting in a chair. I’ve even demonstrated that idea myself a few times. Pointing to a chair I’d say that putting faith in God is like sitting in this chair. I trust that I won’t fall over backwards and crack my skull. Then I’d sit […]

Faith Pop Culture

The Undead Youth Ministry Interview

A terrific guy named Paul Turner read my book Undead and contacted me recently to chat about zombies, death, God, and his world of youth ministry. I had a blast during this conversation in which we spend some time considering how Christians communicate, especially to students. Are we too creepy or even manipulative? Is fear […]

Faith Movies Pop Culture

Warm Bodies & The Meaning of Life

So I saw Warm Bodies. Then this happened. Did you see Warm Bodies yet?


When The Super Bowl Isn’t Enough

A few years ago my brother-in-law asked me if I had seen the 60 minutes interview with Tom Brady and his striking comments about the emptiness he felt despite reaching the pinnacle of success in his craft. Every time I see this short clip my heart sinks. If you’re really in a hurry just skip […]


The Gospel of Pastor Mark Driscoll

So Mark Driscoll, right? Eh. I’ve never been the blogger who jumps on every controversy du jour with a quick take that will get easy traffic. After watching the Driscollversies roll like choking waves week after week lately I might as well offer my take. Driscoll is a controversial preacher from Mars Hill which is […]


Doomsday Christians

I was a young high school student in November of 1992 when Bill Clinton won the presidency. I remember being terrified that night because I went to a conservative Christian school and had listened to some authority figures warning about the destruction of America if Clinton were to win the election. The next day one […]

Faith Pop Culture

Brian “Head” Welch of Love and Death

Of all the artists I interviewed last year, Brian Welch of Love and Death (formerly of Korn) was one of my favorites. I wanted to run this interview a while ago after launching the new site but once I found out about the band signing with a new label (Tooth & Nail) I decided to […]

American History Faith

Life Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr.

“I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. We so often think of Martin Luther King Jr. as a leader and speaker that we […]


The Arrogant Jesus I Follow

One of my students I’ve known better than most attended four classes of mine at two different colleges on the way to his degree. He’s crazy smart and always challenges me to think. As we became friends in recent years our conversations often turned to philosophy and spiritual matters. He considers himself agnostic but only […]