Creative Nonfiction

Before I Die I Want To _____

My 2012–the year I wrote a book on death and life–began and ended with the funeral of someone I cared about. I found myself at a funeral home three days into the year and three days from its end. Some people are comfortable pondering life’s eventual end and the possibilities surrounding it. Others banish the […]

Creative Nonfiction

THOSE People

Seth Godin recently quoted a woman responsible for running a community college who said this at a seminar he attended: “Well, the bad news,” she said, “is that we have to let everyone in. And the truth is, many of these kids just can’t be the leaders you’re describing, can’t make art. We need people […]

Creative Nonfiction

How To Use A Runaway Truck Ramp

My friend Shawn Smucker is a great writer. His brand new book How to Use a Runaway Truck Ramp tells the story of the cross country journey he took this past year with his wife Maile and their four kids. They had no idea how much the trip would change them. As someone who just […]

Creative Nonfiction Pop Culture

The Undead Guide to Killing Your Blog

Zombies, vampires, and many other monsters are all over pop culture these days, but did you know they are blogging too? Problogger is one of the most popular blogs in the world, and today they’re featuring a piece I wrote about how to fail at blogging. THE UNDEAD GUIDE TO KILLING YOUR BLOG I came […]

Creative Nonfiction Faith Pop Culture

The Man Who Died In My Arms

One day I went to work at the college where I teach history and government. In a day I’ll never forget I stepped into an empty hallway and an unforgettable crisis. You can read that story, a sneak preview of my new book, over at Shawn Smucker’s site in a post called: Jesus, Zombies and […]

Creative Nonfiction Pop Culture

The Time My Family Forgot Me at a Funeral Home

Every family has its share of legendary stories. Some are happy; some are sad; some are hilarious. My twisted family unit has gotten a lot of laughs over the years about the time they accidentally left me at a funeral home. When I was four years old. Where I knew no one. And there was […]

Creative Nonfiction History

My Conversation with Bill Gates

Bill Gates is a world changer who happens to be one of the wealthiest individuals in history. He’s EVEN got over 8 million followers on Twitter which I’m sure is what will dominate his tombstone one day. So imagine my surprise when he answered a question of mine in less than an hour. I had […]