Scanning my Facebook wall, I read this simple sentence by my friend Ryan: “Best touchdown I’ve ever seen.” Suspicious that this wasn’t a sudden push for NFL football in the midst of the off season, I clicked the link.
If you don’t like to cry in front of people, er, I mean get stuff in both your eyes at the same time, probably don’t watch this 70 second clip in front of them. I was already melting by the time young Jack Hoffman hits the 50 yard line with “blockers out in front.”
How good is that?
We never see little Jack’s face or even the expressions of the players, but you can tell this matters to them. I’ll be paying more attention to Nebraska football and silently hoping my Pittsburgh Steelers draft running back Rex Burkhead this year*.
If you’d like to learn about the Hoffman family and the whole inspirational story of Team Jack and Nebraska football check this out.
Visit the Team Jack Legacy Fund website
*UPDATE: Rex was drafted in the 6th round by the Cincinnati Bengals. One of Pittsburgh’s rivals! Congrats to Rex. I hope he scores all of the Bengal touchdowns against the Steelers.