Books Coolsville Faith Featured

TODAY ONLY: download “The First Time We Saw Him” for $1.99!

It’s a sale. Hooray!

UPDATE: The super sale is ended! As of today (7/17) the ebook is still on sale most places for $5-$6, which is still a great deal. I hope you enjoy it!

My friends, I am on an airplane today, but I wanted to make you aware of a one-time, one-day deal from Baker Books for my new book, “The First Time We Saw Him.” It’s available today for $1.99.

I’m proud of this book… I think it’s the best one I’ve written.

Also, if you think your friends, family, fans or enemies might like the book, please consider sending them to your favorite bookshop or clicking one of the “Share” buttons below. THANK YOU and I look forward to hearing what you think about the book!

Not sure it’s for you? You can listen to a full-length interview with yours truly where I read a few stories from the book here.

First Time We Saw Him
by Matt Mikalatos $1.99 7/15/14!
Amazon Kindle B&N Nook CBD eBook
  RECONNECT WITH THE POWER OF HIS STORIESWith incredible insight, Matt Mikalatos reimagines Jesus’s familiar parables and stories in a modern-day setting, bringing alive all the controversy and conflict inherent in the originals. Emotional, sometimes humorous, and even jaw-dropping, these stories raise provocative questions and offer a glimpse of Jesus and what his contemporaries must have seen in him.

“This is a must-read for those seeking a fresh look
at the living, breathing Christ.”
—Josh D. McDowell, author and speaker

“Who wouldn’t want to know a Jesus like this?”
—Jonathan Merritt, author of Jesus is Better Than You Imagined

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By Matt Mikalatos

Matt Mikalatos is a writer not a fighter.