Faith Movies Pop Culture

Is Catwoman the Bride of Christ?

“You’ve made some mistakes, Miss Kyle.” – John Blake Last week, I explored how Bruce Wayne’s Hero’s Journey establishes him as a Christ-figure in The Dark Knight Rises. A further excellent parallel my friend Anthony Mako pointed out to me is that if Bruce is Jesus, the Selina clearly parallels the Scriptural presentation of the […]

Movies Pop Culture

Bruce Wayne’s Dark Night of the Soul

“Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” — Thomas Wayne As I’ll be discussing in more detail in an upcoming post, The Dark Knight Rises is the final act in Chris Nolan’s epic and now-classic Batman trilogy. Nolan is a master-storyteller, so in The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce embarks […]

Movies Pop Culture

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

“Do you know what makes this the worst place on earth? Hope. I learned here there can be no true despair without hope.” — Bane First, a short, spoiler-free review: The Dark Knight Rises is a must-see film. Easily the best film of the year. It’s not perfect, but it’s audacious. Nolan takes some tremendous […]


Book: Batman – Earth One

A truly great book for fans and n00bs, Batman: Earth One proves again that the best stories are Batman stories.

Books Faith Pop Culture

How Girls Self-Medicate to Find Identity (Girls on the Edge Pt III)

Eating disorders, alcohol use and cutting all share the same cause as overachieving in girls: a struggle to find identity.

Books Faith Pop Culture

How Facebook is Bad for Girls (Girls on the Edge Pt II)

The Self we display on social media is always for others to see. Social media hurts girls by depriving them of the introspective space necessary to develop a strong identity.

Books Faith Pop Culture

Do Not Awaken Love Before Its Time (Girls on the Edge Pt I)

The first factor driving girls’ loss of Self is early sexualization. Because they learn from a young age to dress for others, girls learn to be sex objects rather than develop a healthy sexuality.

Movies Pop Culture

What It Means to Be a (Spider-) Man

Fun, funny and surprisingly good restart for a beloved character. This is Spider-man for the new generation, and a solid foundation for great sequels.

Books Faith

Book: A Faith Not Worth Fighting For, Edited by Tripp York

A thorough resource for those serious about nonviolence and peacemaking in the Way of Jesus. Well worth your time.

Movies Pop Culture

2 Ways for the next Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter not to Suck

A good enough biopic/monster-movie mashup that did too much monsters without enough mythology or character development to be truly great.