Bible Bites Podcast

Mission Accomplished Pt. 1 (Mark 11:1-12:12)

We begin the third and final section of Mark: the Passion Week. We cover the Triumphal Entry, the Cleansing of the Temple and Cursing of the Fig Tree, and the first Temple controversy.

Don't Split Up Podcast

Sinister 1 and 2

The gang reviews Scott Derrickson’s 2012 SINISTER in preparation for the sequel. While they all loved the first film, they were divided on Baguhl’s latest offering. Plus, the new SCREAM MTV series!

Bible Bites Podcast

What Kind of Messiah is Jesus? (Mark 8:31-10:32)

The second section of Mark’s Gospel asks, “Now that we know that Jesus is the Messiah, what kind of Messiah is he?”

Bible Bites Podcast

Who is Jesus? Pt. 2 (Mark 3:6-8:30)

The second half of Mark’s first section, in which Mark asks, Who is Jesus?

Don't Split Up Podcast

Children of the Corn

The gang takes a road trip back to 1984 to revisit the classic Stephen King adaptation CHILDREN OF THE CORN. We compare the film to the original short story, compare favorite King adaptations, and wonder what’s so scary about Nebraska.

Bible Bites Podcast

Who is Jesus Pt. 1 (Mark 1:1-3:6)

We dive into Mark’s Gospel with the first of two episodes exploring the first major segment of the book. First, Mark wants us to ask: Who is Jesus?

Origami Elephants Podcast

Post-Modern Evangelism

Bryne and JR. wonder whether Evangelicals can proselytize in ways that respect the Other. Along we way, we investigate why we often struggle with the silence of God.

Don't Split Up Podcast

The Gallows

[one_third] The gang is divided on the relative merits of THE GALLOWS, a recent found footage release. We kick around the plot, trying to decide whether the movie makes any sense. In the end… it’s a hung jury. [learn_more caption=”In This Episode”] 1:00 – Guess which of the gang has done theater! 6:00 – The Gallows 9:00 – When […]

Bible Bites Podcast

The Failure of the Disciples

In Mark, the disciples can’t get ANYTHING right. Why? And how is that good news?

Bible Bites Podcast

The Messianic Secret

In Mark, why didn’t Jesus want anyone to know he’s the Messiah?