Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Preaching Revelation

Because Tara’s prepping for her cross-country move, Heather and JR. take some time to review how to preach the book of Revelation. Why is the book so scary to so many of us, and how can preachers recover the good news of the book?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

The Political Christian

How ought Christians to engage in the political system? Engagement? Avoidance? In a tense election season, we explore the various options Christians have, and ask what we can do to be advocates for the common good.

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Christianity, Art and Pop Culture with Barry Williams

Pastor and artist Barry Williams joins us for a conversation about faith and art. They have a complicated relationship, but art is integral to faith. How can we more consistently integrate art into our faith?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

The Bible and Women in Ministry 1

What does the Bible say about women in ministry? What are the hermeneutical considerations for approaching the text? We consider John 20 and 1 Timothy 2.

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Women in Ministry with Jory Micah

We welcome blogger, minister, writer and professor Jory Micah to talk about women in ministry. Why do denominations that ordain women struggle to place women in ministerial roles? And what can both men and women do about it?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Holy Week

Why should churches observe Holy Week? And what are the best practices for observing Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or a Tennenbrae service? Listen in and let us know your best practices.

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Online Church

Attending church online is becoming more and more popular… but is it good? What does online church suggest about our assumptions of what Church means? Can the body of Christ extend into virtual space?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Why Words Matter

Political Correctness: a waste of time, or a charitable engagement with our neighbors? Tara, Heather and JR. investigate the power of language (with some help from Wittgenstein). How does this impact how we talk about race, gender and God?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Keeping Our Kids Safe with Jon Middendorf

We welcome Pastor Jon Middendorf to talk about security in our kids ministries. How do we protect kids from predators, and can that protection go too far?

Featured In All Things Charity Podcast

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

Adam Estle of Evangelicals for Middle Eastern Understanding joins us to discuss the big question raised by Wheaton’s reaction to Professor Larycia Hawkins. Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? We ask if this is even the right question, and then answer it anyway.