Bible Bites Podcast

The Messianic Secret

In Mark, why didn’t Jesus want anyone to know he’s the Messiah?

Bible Bites Podcast

John the Baptizer

Who was John the Baptizer? How did he pave the way for Jesus’ ministry?

Bible Bites Podcast

Introduction to Mark Pt. 1

We begin Mark’s account of the Good News about Jesus. What is a Gospel? Who wrote this one? When did they write it, and why does it start (and end) so strangely?

Bible Bites Podcast

New Testament Timeline

We finish our New Testament introduction with an overview of the timeline of various New Testament events and writings.

Bible Bites Podcast Uncategorized

Israelite Culture

What was the culture of Jesus’ day like? We explore how patriarchy, patrilinality and patrilocality shaped the people of Israel.

Bible Bites Podcast

New Testament Religion

What did religion look like in Israel in Jesus’ day? We overview the various approaches to faithfulness to God, from the Essenes and Zealots to the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Bible Bites Podcast

Listener Questions 1

We respond to listener questions from episodes 1-3!

Bible Bites Podcast

All the Herods

Herod the Great, Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas, Philip – who was actually in charge of Israel when Jesus was alive? We sort through the Herods for you.

Bible Bites Podcast

From Exodus to Empire

The Jewish people’s symbolic Exodus story, and how that plays out over Biblical history, particularly as Jesus comes on the scene.

Bible Bites Podcast

How Did We Get the Bible?

We discuss how the Bible came to us, and what the benefits of various translations are.