Coolsville Featured

Honey badgers are amazing. Seriously. I couldn’t believe this.

Watch a honey badger escape from every enclosure its keepers make for it.

Coolsville Featured Uncategorized

I think it’s hilarious when you text and drive

Rhett and Link share a song about being TEXTPERTS!

Coolsville Featured

Unsung Hero

This commercial from Thailand made me cry. It’s like the 21st century Thai version of those old long distance phone commercials. Also: A lot of you already know this because I complain about it all the time, but would it kill a certain zombie apocalypse TV show to have some people like this in their […]

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Spill hot coffee on yourself, become a millionaire.

A not-exactly true story.

Coolsville Pop Culture TV

This documentary about Thundarr the Barbarian is well worth 18 minutes

I loved  Thundarr the Barbarian when I was a kid. For those of you who have the misfortune of a Thundarr-less childhood, he was a barbarian warrior who lived in a future Earth and had adventures with a sorceress and a Chewbacca-like alien thing named Ookla. Character designs by Alex Toth and Jack Kirby! Neat!