The StoryMen return with a wild and ranging new episode! We learn how Clay and JR. are settling into Dallas, and how JR. makes Clay fear for his life on a near-daily basis. After hearing what Pope Francis is giving up for Lent, we discuss why we were happy to see Birdman take home the Oscar for Best Picture and wrap up with a special guest PPOW!
The StoryMen welcome Rabbi Eliyahu Fink and Mikey Fissel (of the Reel World Theology podcast) to discuss Darren Aronofsky's new film NOAH.
0:00 – Special Guests: Rabbi Eliyahu Fink and Mikey Fissel
05:00 – First Impressions of NOAH
07:00 – The Difference between Jewish and Christian approaches to the Bible
18:00 – Overall thoughts on NOAH
20:30 – Matt Drops In
21:30 – SPOILERS for NOAH
22:30 – NOAH and Gnosticism
27:30 – Rock Monsters, Methuselah and Subverting God’s Will!
35:30 – Favorite Scenes
45:00 – Connect with our Guests