Message: “The Myth of Equality with Ken Wytsma” from Story Men
A message from the series “StoryMen Season 8.” White people find race challenging to talk about. Far too often conversations around race summon feelings of shame and anger. Author, pastor and justice activist Ken Wytsma helps us talk about white privilege and white supremacy. How can we have the conversations that are healing and holy?
The StoryMen welcome author and Spiritual Director Tara Owens to discuss what it means to have bodies. We investigate why the Church struggles to embrace embodied existence, the power of touch, and why giving up contacts for Lent is more than a First World Problem. Plus, win a copy of Tara's excellent book!
The StoryMen make the push for episode 100. We have more guests, bigger episodes and plenty of fodder for the most piercing investigations of history, pop culture and theology yet!