Message: “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens with Rabbi Eliyahu Fink”
The StoryMen welcome Rabbi Eliyahu Fink back to talk about the biggest film of 2015 – STAR WARS Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Listen up and let us know what you think!
The StoryMen return with a wild and ranging new episode! We learn how Clay and JR. are settling into Dallas, and how JR. makes Clay fear for his life on a near-daily basis. After hearing what Pope Francis is giving up for Lent, we discuss why we were happy to see Birdman take home the Oscar for Best Picture and wrap up with a special guest PPOW!
The StoryMen make the push for episode 100. We have more guests, bigger episodes and plenty of fodder for the most piercing investigations of history, pop culture and theology yet!