Message: “The Uncontrolling Love of God with Dr. Thomas Jay Oord”

The StoryMen catch up with Da MAC to hear about his innovative new tour. Then we welcome Dr. Thomas Jay Oord to discuss his provocative new book The Uncontrolling Love of God. Thomas walks us through “Essential Kenosis,”, newly proposed framework for understanding the problem of evil. Listen up and let us know what you think of Thomas’ answer to one of theology’s thorniest issues.

Story Men - April 16, 2018

The Power of the Pivot with Jennifer Cho

The Power of the Pivot with Jennifer Cho

Weber Shandwick executive Jennifer Cho joins us to talk about what happens when it's time to change jobs... or even careers. How do you know when it's time to go? What are best practices for making a pivot?

From Series: "StoryMen Season 9"

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