Message: “The Uncontrolling Love of God with Dr. Thomas Jay Oord”
The StoryMen catch up with Da MAC to hear about his innovative new tour. Then we welcome Dr. Thomas Jay Oord to discuss his provocative new book The Uncontrolling Love of God. Thomas walks us through “Essential Kenosis,”, newly proposed framework for understanding the problem of evil. Listen up and let us know what you think of Thomas’ answer to one of theology’s thorniest issues.
Author Lorie Langdon returns to the StoryMen! She reflects on how it feels to wrap up her 4-novel DOON series, then puts our geek credentials to shame. And finally, Lorie gives us the scoop on her buzzy new YA mystery, Gilt Hollow. Listen in for tips on writing a good mystery, plus a couple of fun updates from the StoryMen on our own writing projects!
With all three StoryMen working on new book projects, Season 7 promises to be the most exciting yet! With still more guests, hot theological conversations, deep history dives and pop culture picks, the StoryMen are back and better than ever!