Message: “StoryMen Return Part Ocho” from Story Men

A message from the series “StoryMen Season 8.” The StoryMen return once more! We catch up on our very eventful summers. We update you on the various projects we have brewing. We recap our favorite books of the summer. And we argue over which movie reigned supreme at the box-office. We’re back! And it’s good to be back.

Story Men - March 24, 2017

Marvel's Iron Fist CROSSOVER with Kate Sanchez of But Why Tho?

Marvel\'s Iron Fist CROSSOVER with Kate Sanchez of But Why Tho?

In true comic book fashion, JR. joins forces with Kate Sanchez of the But Why Tho? podcast. We watched all of Marvel's Iron Fist so you don't have to (the episode is spoiler-y toward the end.) We dive into the comic character of Danny Rand, talk about where the show sits in the Marvel Netflix universe, and talk about the show's Good, Bad and Ugly. Kate is a great podcaster, and we had a lot of fun even without our regular cohosts.

From Series: "Extras"

StoryMen Extras are shorter, more focused episodes. Think of them like appetizers to our main courses!

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