Message: “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens with Rabbi Eliyahu Fink”

The StoryMen welcome Rabbi Eliyahu Fink back to talk about the biggest film of 2015 – STAR WARS Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Listen up and let us know what you think!

Story Men - November 28, 2014

The Thanksgiving Episode

The Thanksgiving Episode

The StoryMen take some time to reflect on what they're grateful for. The conversation turns to Thanksgiving traditions - real and made up. Then, since we're talking about founding myths, we investigate recent admissions by the Mormon church that Joseph Smith was in fact a polygamist. Finally, we engage the conversation about the "Stand and Greet" time many churches employ, but many people hate. Plus, we introduce our Pop Culture Picks of the Week!

From Series: "StoryMen Season 4"

The StoryMen Season 4 brings more guests, wilder topics and big changes in the Storyverse!

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