Message: “Graci Kim and the Last Fallen Star” from Fascinating Podcast
A message from the series “Fascinating Season 6.” Author Graci Kim joins us to explore contemporary Korean mythology in a Los Angeles setting. Her new middle-grade fantasy The Last Fallen star carves out a place for kids in the Korean diaspora to find themselves in a whirlwind adventure to save the world. Get the tissues ready. There may be some tears at the end of this one!
Pundits, pastors, prognosticators and podcasters have spent the last four years wringing our hands to explain how 81% of Evangelicals could vote for Trump despite the convictions of our faith. Scholar Kristin Kobes du Mez demonstrates that our vote wasn't despite our faith, but because of it. She joins our podcast to explore how Evangelicals have baked militant white patriarchy into our faith. It's another episode we just couldn't quit - and hopefully neither can you!
Welcome to a season of imagination! Since we spent last season exploring reconstruction, we're spending season 5 dreaming. We're inviting some of our favorite experts - friends old and new - to help us imagine what's ahead. So strap in! Here we go!