We wonder what it means to be be a Christian. How do you decide where the boundary markers are? From Hawaiian religion to Scientology to Islam and Mormonism to the Gospel Coalition, we ask some tough questions. And perhaps the toughest of all: does any of it really matter?
1:30 – The Boys are Back Together!
4:00 – Matt and Hawaiian Religion
11:00 – Gary Marshall and Giveaway Winner!
13:00 – Clay and the Church of Scientology
25:30 – Billy Corgan and Christian Rock
33:00 – Who’s In? Who’s Out? How do we tell?
50:30 – Piper, Keller, Lewis and MacDonald
The StoryMen welcome back Rob Shepherd to talk the greatest villains of all time. We start with movies, but move into books, and save some time at the end to talk our favorite Biblical villains. Who did we leave out?
In this Episode
2:00 – Welcome Back, Rob Shep!
6:30 – New Pacific Rim and Edge of Tomorrow
10:30 – Back to Villains (in Movies and TV)
22:30 – Best Villains in Literature
27:00 – Best Biblical Villains
45:00 – Connect with Rob Online!